Welcome to
my world.

My friends call me by my last name, Goel (pronounced like the -goyle part of “gargoyle”) - hence the little 'G' in the top corner.
I taught a lesson on prototyping in Figma.

Check it out!
I speak English on the regz’, Hindi with my grandma, French avec un accent terrible, and lorem ipsum when I need that perfect placeholder text.
If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it’d be mushrooms. Or cereal without milk. But probably mushrooms.
The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.

Read it!
Stephen King has a son named Joe. I'm not joking, but he is. Ba dum tssss.


Four years ago, while studying engineering, I heard the one word that changed the course of my life - designer. Not knowing what this species consumed or produced, but wanting to become one of them, I founded Design for X, a student-based design “agency” that landed contracts with Wattpad, Cineplex, and more.

Learning fast, working hard, and applying the “fake it till you make it” principle is how I got my start as a designer.


I’ve since developed my skills through a number of incredible work experiences. From simplifying the process of purchasing a luxury Audi, to ensuring that safety information is accessible to all those walking through the halls of a hospital, I’ve been lucky enough to work in a vast variety of industries in a short amount of time.

Today, I’m working as a remote UX designer at Enthusiast Gaming to design a social application that leverages game data and gamer psychology to strengthen the gaming community.


Design is my 9-5. From 5-9, I’m building The Bioball, a non-profit business that I launched on May 31, 2021 to raise funds for Canadian cancer patients in honour of my amazing mom. I put my heart and soul into everything that I do to try and make her proud.

To support my mission, you can check out my Etsy shop or the website I built.

Teamwork without the team is just work, and that’s no fun.

The opportunity to work collaboratively with really smart people is one of my favourite parts of being a designer. Your team looks like a pretty awesome place to do that - let’s chat about it!

Ice was made to be broken: