Hey, I'm Sarika.


Given that we are the sum total of our experiences, it’s my mission to design some really great ones. With people, for people. 

Gaming Stats Tracker

When it comes to competitive gaming, analytics are what get you to the top. I designed Tabstats to help gamers do just that.

Mobile Dog Grooming

With the help of Toronto-based startup Doggystyle, and a well-defined and designed mobile app, getting your dog groomed just became a lot easier.

Audi Payment Estimator

The user experience of purchasing a luxury vehicle should also feel luxurious - even if you're making the purchase from your couch in the middle of a pandemic.

Macy's GiftTogether

Last Father's Day, each of your kids got you yet another silk tie - boring. But this year, they're coming together to get you a gift you'll love from Macy's.